Looking towards the water in Crystal Cove state park. for sale
Looking towards the water in Crystal Cove state park. for sale
Lake Murray – buy now
I painted this sitting on a rock at Lake Murray, near SDSU.
I’ve been working in watercolor more lately, mostly because I cut my pinky finger, and it’s such a hassle trying to keep oil paint from getting in the cut and if I wear a bandaid, my finger doesn’t bend. So there you go, watercolor.
Nevada Desert Painting- For Sale
I tagged along to a software conference (Splunk) to paint in the Nevada desert outside Las Vegas.
I got turned around when headed to Red Rocks.
Here’s the desert from where I wound up when I got lost. No red rocks here, but the blue mountains were very pretty. I was on the exact opposite side of the city from where I wanted to be- but still on the same street!