Tag Archives: balboa park

Balboa Park Painting San Diego Landscape Plein Air

Fretting About Melanoma

Balboa Park Painting San Diego Landscape Plein Air

for sale
Painted on location in Florida canyon in Balboa Park, San Diego. I have this special shirt which has titanium woven in or something, and it is SPF 50. I wear it most of the time while painting. This particular day, I left it in the car by accident, so every moment of this painting I was fretting about melanoma.

Balboa Park Painting Florida Canyon Landscape

Santa Ana Winds in Balboa Park

Santa Ana Winds: When the wind changes in San Diego, we don’t get our usual pleasant and cool sea breezes. Instead, Santa Anas are more like a scorching dry wind right out of hell. So that is the hot and windy conditions of this painting.

Santa Ana winds

Balboa Park Painting San Diego

Balboa Park Painting, San Diego

Balboa Park Painting San Diego

From Cabrillo Bridge – for sale

The San Diego Museum of Man and California Tower seen from the Cabrillo Bridge- beautiful historic architecture in Balboa Park.