Tag Archives: landscape painting

Laguna Canyon Painting

Laguna Canyon Landscape

Laguna Canyon Painting

Backcountry – for sale

A great place to hike in Laguna Beach. This is from last year… and look at the glare on the wet paint! Going to have to re-shoot this.

This was from a period when I got restless with my normal way of working and was trying out different alla prima approaches.

San Diego Landscape Painting Mission Trails

Plein Air San Diego Landscape

San Diego Landscape Painting Mission Trails

Earlier this week, I went to Mission Trails park to paint.

I live downtown in the land of cooling ocean breezes. Out in the park it was very hot- which I should have expected due to the strangely warm winter… but I did not anticipate this. The perils of microclimates. for sale