A plein air painting of the Museum of Man, from the Laurel Street (a.k.a. Cabrillo) Bridge. This was one of those where the light was going and it was getting cold- almost 60 degrees in February, which is practically impossible to deal with and I had to zip up my sweatshirt- but I tried to get one more painting out of the afternoon and I’m glad I did. Who does not love these buildings? I left off some of the Baroque twiddles because there just wasn’t time, but I love the archways.
Oh, and there were street singers while I was painting this as well as another piece which I haven’t photographed yet, but hope to post soon. It was original, nice, tenor singing, a guy and a girl playing together. All in all, a great afternoon.

Ah yes, and one more thing. If you’re in San Diego Sunday night, I have a painting in this juried exhibition- En Plein Air International Exhibition. The reception is from 6-9 PM at L Street Fine Art in Downtown San Diego. It’s a convenient spot right off the Trolley line and with ample parking. Hope to see you there!