Tag Archives: victorian
Sketch in Golden Hill

Sketchbook page. A Victorian apartment building seen from a coffee shop.

Market Street, San Diego
I live a few blocks from this Victorian apartment building. I painted this last year around this time. Since then, one of the apartments in the building burned, and now it’s behind scaffolding.

Light in the Bedroom
For sale.
In bed, early morning. I was captivated by the light on the wall. [/caption]

San Francisco, The Mission

Overcast sky over breakfast in the Mission. From a plein air watercolor. for sale

San Diego Nocturne, Sherman Heights

DIY renovation in Sherman Heights- for sale
I think of this place as the Carrie House since it reminds me so much of the house in the original Carrie with Sissy Spacek. The architecture is similar, but far from identical.
It’s a happy story of this area of urban renewal- undergoing a slow renovation by a do-it-yourselfer with black chickens in the yard (chickens not pictured). This house is just a couple of blocks from mine- (already renovated, built circa 1905) and recently got a historical designation. I think the plaque outside says it’s from the 1890s.

Tales of the City Walking Tour

Swensen’s Ice Cream in Russian Hill. for sale
Like every sane person, I love San Francisco and its many charms. On my latest trip I decided to just go ahead and indulge my nerdy aspect and explore Russian Hill, where so much of the Tales of the City novels took place.
A Google Maps search did not return a Barbary Lane, but I was glad to see the Searchlight Market and Swensen’s Ice Cream- pictured here- both of which were featured in the books.
Swensen’s showed up in Mary Ann in Autumn, which I highly recommend. I did not get any ice cream, which I now regret.

San Francisco Painting, Nob Hill

A beautiful day in San Francisco. for sale

Christmas Lights in Sherman Heights
This summer we moved a couple of miles to the Sherman Heights historic district in San Diego. This great old house is around the block from us, and every time I’ve walked by I thought about how to go about painting it. Then they decorated for the holidays… and voila!
Happy holidays!

Villa Montezuma Painting San Diego

From the Oil Painters of America Paint Out earlier in the month. For sale
Happy Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for this year.
Now, the pecan pie is in the oven, and I’m looking forward to a wonderful day tomorrow with family and friends.
Thank you for joining me on my painting journey this year.

Downtown Hooters Restaurant, San Diego

Orange Awnings – buy now
This Victorian block in the Gaslamp Quarter- downtown San Diego- now houses a Hooters franchise.

San Francisco Painting, Mission

Mission Morning – for sale
Painted over breakfast in the Mission. With gray fog shrouding the skies overhead, everything was bleached and pale.
We agreed this building was a polluted seafoam color, and that it would be much better in the painting to change it to a nice, clean seafoam color.

Victorian in U Heights

The House Next Door- San Diego Painting

Fences- buy now
The house next door. I didn’t feel like traveling to paint. 😉

Victorian in University Heights, San Diego

Victorian in U Heights- buy now
Now a yoga studio, next door to my trusty laundromat.