Painted on location in Hillcrest. for sale
Painted on location in Hillcrest. for sale
South Park Crafstman- buy now
At the laundromat again, drawing out front while my clothes were in the wash.
Outside the laundromat- for sale
While I was working on this drawing at the laundromat, I overheard the following conversation:
3 year old boy: What’s that?
Father: It’s a flag. Can you say flag?
3 year old: Flag. I’m gonna f*** her like a pig!!!
– I just kept painting.
Corner of Georgia St – for sale
A sunny street corner in uptown San Diego.
Craftsman House in Hillcrest Painting- for sale
I love the soaring lines on the gable in this Craftsman house- in San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood.
I love this old, beautifully restored Craftsman. It’s on Florida Ave, a couple of streets away from my house.
This painting is part of my upcoming show at the Lyceum Gallery, opening Saturday, January 12th.
Reception Friday, January 18 from 6-8 PM
We’ll have a reception with wine and refreshments Friday, January 18 from 6-8 PM, at the Lyceum at 79 Horton Plaza in downtown San Diego. (Click here for more info and driving directions). If you are in San Diego, I’d love to see you!
I like the steep pitch of the roof and the way this house (from the early 1900s?) seems to doze in its overgrown garden.
I love the soaring lines on the gable. It’s a great old house.
San Diego Landscape Painting is for sale.