If I remember correctly, this was formerly the moat at Montjuic Castle in Barcelona. Now it’s a formal garden.
For sale
If I remember correctly, this was formerly the moat at Montjuic Castle in Barcelona. Now it’s a formal garden.
For sale
A small spot of beauty on a busy street. I painted this last year.
Snoozin’ – for sale
Two cat paintings in a row? What have I become!
I moved about a month ago, and this is one of the first paintings of my new neighborhood. My new area is an old one- many houses around here were built between 1885 and 1920. According to the MLS, ours is from circa 1905, though I haven’t been down to the historical society to do any research. I hope to paint it soon.
This cat was just around the corner, in front of a grand Victorian.
I love this peaceful backyard, with its overhanging mimosa and magnolia trees, velvety lawn, and the cheerful morning glory overhanging the fence. They have bougainvillea too.
I like the steep pitch of the roof and the way this house (from the early 1900s?) seems to doze in its overgrown garden.