Tag Archives: flowers
How to Stop Time
I’m working on a series of pictures of this spot. It’s a hike from anywhere you can park. They’ve recently installed a 3 way stop here, which has had the weird effect of making the spot seem much busier than when it was just a stretch of 50 MPH road. It alternately smells like exhaust and like growing things.
When I painted this one, the wildflowers were in full bloom. I went back today to do another piece as the landscape dries out and becomes the brown, gold, and tan of California summer. Both those plein air paintings are preparatory studies for larger pieces.

Wisteria on the Fence, San Diego

In Mission Hills.
This is my friend’s beautiful house. She asked me to paint a picture of it, and the first time I went I got interested in the alley behind. This is my second effort. for sale
And here is the first effort:

Neither one of these is quite right for what she has in mind, which is basically a house portrait. But I quite often find that commissions spark other ideas- some ideas that go off the rails completely and some ideas that turn out great.

Bougainvillea in San Diego

Flowers tumbling over a fence in Hillcrest. for sale

Bougainvillea in Hillcrest
A small spot of beauty on a busy street. I painted this last year.

Palms in Ocean Beach, San Diego

In an OB alley- for sale

Orchids Still Life Watercolor

Pink Orchids – for sale
Painted this morning in my kitchen.

Laguna Beach Painting

Laguna Beach Painting – for sale
Springtime in Laguna Beach, with the bluffs dotted with wildflowers.

Bougainvillea in North Park Alley

North Park San Diego- for sale
Palm trees, power lines, and bougainvillea in beautiful North Park, San Diego.
Speaking of North Park, next Saturday May 18, I’ll be at North Park Festival of Arts, in the juried artists area.
North Park Festival of Arts
Booth J-24
On University Ave near Iowa St.
Hope to see you there!

Flowers on the Gazebo, Alcazar Garden, Balboa Park

Gazebo in Spring- for sale
Another open air painting in Balboa Park- the Alcazar Garden. I really like this spot to paint- I guess it’s probably described as a formal Italian-style garden but with a mix of Moorish elements added as well. Nice place.

Flowering Pear Branch

Flowering Branch Painting – For Sale
This is an older painting, and I’ve always been fond of it. It’s of the flowering pears (maybe cherries) in Balboa Park.
I hope to do more paintings of the pears this year when they come into flower, which should be soon. I’m also very excited to have more mobility soon… may be buying a new truck! Well, used but new to me. I look forward to doing more paintings outside the neighborhood.

Cat and Flowers

Balboa Park Plein Air
The Alcazar Garden is one of my favorite, quiet spots in Balboa Park. It’s a formal garden with clipped hedges in patterns around flowerbeds, overhung with palm trees and surrounded by archways. This is my second painting from the OPA paint out a couple of Saturdays ago.