A pair of buddies in North Park. I don’t know when I painted this. I found it in the trunk of the car.
Tag Archives: power lines

Alley, North Park

For sale.
Middle of the day. North Park.

San Francisco Bay from Russian Hill

San Francisco Bay from Russian Hill. I chose this vantage point because isn’t that always the way? A gorgeous view with a tree in front of it.
And in a way, it’s better, more tantalizing. for sale

Ocean Beach Painting, Bougainvillea in the Alley

I love big, wild bunches of bougainvillea, and I paint it whenever I can. buy now

Bougainvillea in North Park Alley

North Park San Diego- for sale
Palm trees, power lines, and bougainvillea in beautiful North Park, San Diego.
Speaking of North Park, next Saturday May 18, I’ll be at North Park Festival of Arts, in the juried artists area.
North Park Festival of Arts
Booth J-24
On University Ave near Iowa St.
Hope to see you there!
University Avenue in North Park
From the Georgia St Bridge, looking out over North Park.
This is the second version of this view of North Park I’ve painted. Well, technically it is the first version, but the first layers of color didn’t dry fast enough (I’d been experimenting with a different oil painting medium), so I impatiently started over with a second version.
After finishing that one, I lost my steam for the first version and put it away for I’m not sure how long, at least a couple of months. But recently I found it in a stack of half-finished work, and decided to give it another effort.
For sale at my Etsy shop.