Painted on location in South Park, San Diego. Part of a courtyard apartment complex was tented, but not all of it.
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Painted on location in South Park, San Diego. Part of a courtyard apartment complex was tented, but not all of it.
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South Park at Night.
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The canyon by my friend Lenise’s house, in South Park. The South Bay sparkling in the distance.
Garages in a Burlingame alley.
This painting happened sort of by accident but it is also staged. Let me explain. I was painting in Balboa Park, a painting of some trees. And I drove home a different way than usual , through South Park.
I saw this orange house and thought, what a great orange house. Then I saw the orange Prius parked in front of the orange house and I thought, Ha! So then I parked MY orange Prius up the hill behind and painted this.
Another awesome termite tent in San Diego. buy now
Tulip Chairs Outside the Laundromat – buy now
A hot afternoon while my clothes did their thing in the laundromat. In South Park, San Diego.
Golden Hill, San Diego – for sale
Saturday afternoon found me at a laundromat. I like clean clothes. I did not exactly plan this series that’s developed of paintings outside laundromats, but it has happened, and I like it.
This particular laundromat is in Golden Hill. Although Golden Hill is a chichi area with extremely expensive Victorian homes, the laundromat turned out to be a dank hole. It does, however, possess the critical amenity of ample parking and it has this tamale shop stuck under an awning right beside it.
I loved the tamale shop and the awning immediately and I had to paint it.
South Park Crafstman- buy now
At the laundromat again, drawing out front while my clothes were in the wash.
Morning Coffee in Golden Hill- for sale
Painted at the Starbucks in Golden Hill yesterday morning, looking over the Farmer’s Market.
Outside the laundromat- for sale
While I was working on this drawing at the laundromat, I overheard the following conversation:
3 year old boy: What’s that?
Father: It’s a flag. Can you say flag?
3 year old: Flag. I’m gonna f*** her like a pig!!!
– I just kept painting.