Found this one by accident one afternoon and it was still up under gray skies the next morning when I had some time to paint.
Tag Archives: termite tent

Reception: Friday June 29, 5-9 PM.
Please join us for “Tents,” a collection of my paintings of fumigation tented buildings from 2017-2018. This is the first time I’ve shown such a large group of pictures from this series.
2655 Reynard way,
Mission Hills,
San Diego, CA 92103.
1 858 336 6332
Termite Tent, South Park

Painted on location in South Park, San Diego. Part of a courtyard apartment complex was tented, but not all of it.
Buy now
Termite Tent in Golden Hill
Termite Tent, South Park
Termite Tent, Banker’s Hill, San Diego
When I was working on this one, a worker from the fumigation company came over and asked if I was “that guy from Instagram who paints the tents.”
Termite Tent, Normal Heights
Termite Tent, North Park

Before moving to San Diego, I don’t think I’d seen any buildings in fumigation tents. Like trolley and telephone wires crossing the sky, dumpsters in alleys, and trash cans lined up like soldiers for inspection, I think they add a really exciting decorative element to the urban landscape.
This is an older piece, probably from 2013. for sale

Termite Tent Motel Painting

Termite Tent, Hillcrest

Termite tent painting, Hillcrest. I thought the matching truck was… well I thought it was scrumptious. for sale

Termite Tent, San Diego

Another awesome termite tent in San Diego, at Florida and University. The building was tented a while ago, but I only just got around to painting it. for sale

Termite Tent Painting

Termite Tent at Night – buy now
This older painting is still one of my favorites. What I love about it is the way the building glows inside the termite tent- they left on the floodlights and in some of the apartments. (I thought you were supposed to cut off the power before tenting, but I’m no expert). And it always takes me back to that cool, wet-smelling night with a marine layer overhead.
Here’s a link to the rest of this series of termite tent paintings. It’s a subject that always draws me back.

Termite Tent Painting San Diego

A big old Victorian, maybe? Wrapped in a colorful termite tent in Golden Hill. buy now

Termite Tent Painting

Palm trees and “autumn leaves” – happening in December/ January here in SoCal. In San Diego’s North Park neighborhood. for sale

Termite Tent, North Park San Diego

A beautiful striped termite tent in North Park, maybe it was South Park. Over by the park anyway. for sale