Tag Archives: skyline
San Diego Skyline from Point Loma
Painted on location from Point Loma.
Smog Over Downtown
Painted on location on Coronado. One of those hot, still mornings just before a Santa Ana wind started.

Downtown Night, San Diego

Above the Gaslamp.
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Downtown Sunset, San Diego

Downtown San Diego from Sherman Heights.
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San Diego Skyline

Skyline from Mission Hills, painted on location. for sale
I painted this about a year ago, on top of a pile of dirt that looked like a construction site but wasn’t. I’m curious if they ever built anything there. Great views, smells like the airport, I imagine the real estate listing would not say.

San Diego Skyline, Rain

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Skyline from Golden Hill.

San Diego Skyline Painting

Skyline from Mission Hills, painted on location. for sale

San Diego Skyline From Mission Hills

A plein air painting from Mission Hills, overlooking the downtown skyline. for sale

Over the Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego

San Diego Skyline Painting

View of Downtown San Diego painted from Golden Hill Park. for sale
Great views from this park- I love the crisscrossing freeways and the skyscrapers.

Hillcrest Skyline, San Diego

Painted en plein air, from the roof of 24 Hour Fitness in Hillcrest. for sale

San Francisco Skyline

Transamerica Pyramid from Russian Hill – buy now
Another from my trip to San Francisco. I enjoyed watching the light change on the buildings as they swoop up and down the hills. Do buildings swoop?

San Francisco Skyline from Russian Hill

Transamerica Pyramid – buy now
From the crest of Russian Hill, in search of the perfect view of the Transamerica Pyramid.
I mountaineered down steep- to put it mildly- streets and steps until finding a cool park shaded by huge old umbrella pines. That’s where I found my perfect view of the skyscrapers of the Financial District.
I also found some mossy benches leaning at drunken, uncomfortable angles. I shoved my bag and jacket under myself, trying to get fairly level to paint.
That’s when I felt it: the shaking. My cup of water tumbled off my lap and spilled on the bricks of the sidewalk. Earthquake?
Not at all. The shaking was uncontrollable leg spasms. My wimpy muscles, apparently, are not adequately up to the challenge of San Francisco vertical- street-climbing.
How did I arrive in this sorry state?
Evil French tourists!
After climbing the lower part of the Himalayan slopes of Hyde Street, and getting tired, hot, and lazy, I thought, whatever, I’ll take a cable car. So I found a stop and then the cable car arrived. I was happy. No more lugging a bag of painting supplies up these hills.
I flagged down the cable car. The conductor waved. “4 people only!” he shouted. As I prepared to get on the car, a nimble French family sprinted in front of me and got on the car instead! A father, a mother, a daughter and a son with a camera. 4 people. There was no room for me. This was an evil act.
I shook my fists at them in impotent rage and just walked up the damn hill instead. And then I underwent a physical collapse. Eventually I finished the painting and went to a bar and had whiskey. The End.

Highways and High Rises, San Diego

Highways & High Rises- for sale
A plein air painting of Mission Valley in San Diego. I guess technically speaking, the closest “highway” is actually the Trolley tracks.