Tag Archives: urban

San Diego Painting Nocturne Sherman Heights Barrio Logan

San Diego Nocturne, Sherman Heights

San Diego Painting Nocturne Sherman Heights Barrio Logan

DIY renovation in Sherman Heights- for sale

I think of this place as the Carrie House since it reminds me so much of the house in the original Carrie with Sissy Spacek. The architecture is similar, but far from identical.

It’s a happy story of this area of urban renewal- undergoing a slow renovation by a do-it-yourselfer with black chickens in the yard (chickens not pictured). This house is just a couple of blocks from mine- (already renovated, built circa 1905) and recently got a historical designation. I think the plaque outside says it’s from the 1890s.

South Park San Diego Landscape Painting Urban

San Diego Alley Landscape Painting

South Park San Diego Landscape Painting Urban

For Sale

A peaceful alley on Trash Day in South Park, San Diego. I like Trash Day, well I like it every two weeks when they collect recycling, because I think the blue recycling bins are pretty.